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Walking Experience Tours

Tours run by country woman born and bred, Amanda C Vesty founder of Ancient and Sacred Trees and part time MA student of Archaeology of Death and Memory at Chester University.
Journeys of curiosity, immersive experience and discovery. 

The walks last approximately 2 hours and cost £50 for up to 4 people. Please send a message prior to booking with your preferred dates to check availability

Gentleman Jack Take To The Track.

Those of you that have seen the smash hit drama will know that this is based on real events from a diary written in secret code about a lesbian and her lovers. Find out about Anne Lister and the love of her life. Learn where the lives of their love triangle entangled, see the site of the scandal. Enter the estate by walking the carriage way through the woods. See the remnants of the Lawtons’ romantic  landscape garden and mansion, as well as the industrial backdrop to their wealth and privilege.


Extracts from the diaries of this extraordinary and inspiring woman will be read out, as well as pictures shared, as you explore giving you real time insight into the lovers’ strolls, and what life was like living in Lawton. Visit the church where they would have said their prayers and the grave of Marianna.

Paleo To Present

Walking the land learning about its history over millennia. We will look at local found artefacts and landmarks giving us an insight into the life of local hunter gatherers, Neolithic, bronze age, Anglo Saxons, Normans, Vikings, Georgians and Victorians (with recommended local places to visit while you are in the locality). We will see how each made their mark on the landscape, from Paganism to Christianity, from Hunter Gatherer to Agrarian to Industrialist from distant past to present.


Amanda will bring along maps, pictures and artefacts for you to view as the walk unfolds. She will explain how the land has changed, even in her time, over the last fifty years sharing memories and sketches, and pointing out remnants of fast disappearing/almost disappeared historical features.

You will get an insight in how to look at the land where you live and how to interpret it. In this way you will understand how the landscape has been influenced and shaped by man. Hopefully you will gain an understanding of the importance of your memories and preserving our landscape and heritage.

Tree Talk and Landscape Language Eco Tour

Learn about what makes an ancient or semi ancient woodland. Meet some trees and learn their names and see their growth habits. Learn the features of veteran trees. Trees for climate change and what we can do to help.


You will see examples of non-sustainable farming practise and land management of local features and its’ impact on land and nature now, and into the future, for humans and other animals. Also, an example of rewilding and the pros and cons. You will have the opportunity to discuss rewilding and wether to leave nature to do its' thing or to give it a helping hand, using the landscape around to help you form your own thoughts. You will see how land use over centuries has affected local ecology from a countrywoman born and bred in the local landscape.

The Cloud - Walk Talk Dream and Discover

Pilgrimage up an iconic local holy hill looking at local culture, the sacred landscape and site of a double sunset. You will learn of things not marked on the map. See how this landmark dominated the landscape for miles and see how Paganism and Christianity have coexisted since. We will also examine the natural weathering of this hill, quarry techniques and rock art and how to tell the difference between them.


Discover this site of ancient pilgrimage for Pagans and Christians. Learn what impact man has had on this landscape over centuries.  You can also find out what dowsing is and have a go yourself if you wish, making your own mind up as to whether it is effective or not. A spectacular view over the magic and mystery of Alan Garner country where his books such as the Weirdstone of Brasingamen, Thursbitch and Red Shift are based. Walk, talk, dream and discover.

The things you learn here you will able to take and apply to your own landscapes.

Yew To Me - Meet Ancient Yews and sacred sites

Visit two ancient yews on two sacred sites with their Pagan and Christian cultures. Learn why these sites were chosen as sacred locations and the stories attached.


See a Green Man and step from him to the tree he is facing. Learn about some of the magic and myths of the Yew. Say a blessing and even listen to some music made by these trees! Then visit the local half-timbered thatched pub with its’ unique local character, getting an insight into how it was built, learning something about carpenters’ marks and apopotraic devices. You could then go on to visit Little Moreton Hall a Tudor Hall full of hundreds of protective markings. A great place for dragon spotting too! This tour will require driving to two different sites.

Ancient and Sacred Connections With Trees

Meditations, tree walk and even listening to music made by the trees. Learn about their different characters and try to discover their secret names.  Talk to the trees and they may even talk back. Renew your ancient and sacred connections with the trees.


Finish with a prayer and a blessing, leaving a very tiny biodegradable offering as thanks for your visit as a guest to their realm. Leave no trace in the wild world while it makes an impression on you that you will never forget.

Forest Bathing Immersion

Forest Bathing Immersion.

Forest bathing activities, mindfulness, meditation, and land art with Amanda’s own brand of nature connection techniques honed over years of living and growing in the local landscape. Your sense of wellbeing and nature connection will deepen with your time spent among the trees.

Please see other oage

The walks are led by Amanda who has the disability fibromyalgia. The walks will therefore be slow, mindful and informative.

All in countryside locations so you will need to wear appropriate footwear and clothing. The Cloud is a particularly exposed location where the temperature can be significantly lower. 

Please car share where ever possible as parking is limited at most sites. 

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