Soul Wisdom
Soul wisdom is something we can take for granted, under estimate and is not always known or understood by most who possess it. Yet there it is, always waiting for us to open the door to our own timeless knowing. We all know more than we realise! As a teacher of many years I'm passionate about enabling people to access their own innate gifts. In working with so many different people and groups over the years it is clear to me how much the society we live in can influence our perceptions of ourselves.
To Live a Wisdom Filled Life
To live a wisdom filled soul full life we must learn to TRUST our own inner knowing. That is those deep senses beneath the surface of everyday awareness, stirring us to ask questions, seek answers and look within. The child that constantly questions is often not encouraged to do so. We live in an education system that is about compliance not exploration, I saw this first hand as a teacher in secondary schools. So children grow up into adults who are taught to 'toe the line', not question and not be independent and whose gifts are not recognised and encouraged. Does this sound like you? This was me, this is most of us in fact.

Rooting Around The Wild Edges
I was lucky because I grew up in the countryside with nature as my teacher and I was also an avid reader devouring vast quantities of books. I went to school with itchy eyes from lack of sleep have spent the night reading. A lot of what we learn isn't in the classroom but in those wild edges when no one is looking, when we independently go rooting around the woods (in my case) or housing estates at twilight. Roaming streets, playing in parks and exploring down by the stream with its scrubby trees and abandoned shopping trolleys ... You get the gist.
Seeking Truth
For many, this underlying river of knowledge is ignored, repressed and even mocked. Sadly the modern outer material world is all-consuming. Too often many wear a mask pretending to be the image they project because of social expectations. We have all been there at some time in our journeys but soul wisdom can occur an any point.
For truth seekers, mundane reality is never enough. These are people who always strive to access their inner wisdom. We need more than what the world offers. We crave contact with the spiritual nature of being. When our inner knowing is awakened, we are prompted to be seekers at the soul level. To put in one way, "The veil", a Victorian interpretation of access to the world of spirit, is 'thin'.
There are many people who are 'teetering on the fence' so to speak. They have some sense of dissatisfaction with life but haven't yet made any real changes. It's like an itch that needs to be scratched. For many their souls are prompting them, but they do not have the trust or confidence in themselves or their experiences. It's easy to second guess yourself and create doubt. We all do at some point or another.

The Challenge of Every Day Living
I am partly deaf in one ear and recently diagnosed autistic. I find noisy social settings a trial because everything becomes a wall of sound. Trying to hear conversations against a background of music or the noise of scraping and banging chairs and coffee machines is draining. Yet, take me out in the garden or the countryside and my hearing becomes much more acute and subtle. I also get a sense of relief. My body seems to take a deep breath and go "ahh".
The more you connect with yourself the more you will notice what I have just described above. We all do it to a greater or lesser extent. It's kind of like holding your breath til you can get some more fresh air. Work would be a good example. We put up the barriers, get on with the job til we get home and can relax. Its' ok to do this, and life isn't always exactly how we want it to be. Life isn't all love and light as some new agers will have us believe. But when it gets to be the whole time without respite ... well thats' a different matter. We all need an oasis of calm, a reservoir we can drink from.
Particularly in towns and cities our senses are over stimulated everyday. Even in quieter areas we have phones, TV, radio and internet. The demands of modern life reach out everywhere. If you are a sensitive person, and/or on the neural diverse web, this is quite an onslaught. No wonder we switch off!
Help to Connect To Our Soul Wisdom or 'Higher Self'
A remedy is to strengthen the bond between the conscious and superconscious minds. This is what we might call the 'higher' and 'lower' self. The more often we connect with our own 'higher selves', the easier it is to tap in to our soul wisdom.
One way is to engage in meditative practice as a key to unlocking inner knowledge. Make meditation a regular part of your routine to help form this invaluable link. As you do, a line of communication to the world around you will be opened. Ultimately, we are all One.
Think of it like forging and maintaining a friendship. You have to put the effort in and you have to give as well as receive, you have to listen, not just talk. A great saying is "You have two ears and one mouth, use them in that proportion' ... at least some of the time!
Meditation is a time for 'switching off' from the demands of our busy noisy lives.

The Open Door to Soul Wisdom
As that door opens, be prepared for new thoughts and inspirations to arise. Pay attention to physical sensations.
We learn, mostly unconsciously to put a mask on and shut down our senses to a greater or lesser degree. As you open up your inner vision may increase. You may become more aware of subtle feelings and impulses. Your perception becomes more acute. You may even hear phrases, songs or tones unexpectedly.
It really helps to keep a record of experiences. It will serve as a teaching tool for you. It will help you learn how your higher self communicates with you and what to pay attention to. Some people are really good at keeping journals and writing in them every day. If thats' not you don't worry. Just do it when you're able. You can sketch, doodle and draw too. You could even collect or print out pictures too.
You just might be surprised at what you really do know. We don't always listen to our own wisdom, but we can, and do, learn the difference between wisdom and general thoughts and opinion.
Wisdom is within you - CLAIM IT!
Knowledge is Learned. Wisdom is Earned.
Amanda Claire
My articles take time and energy to research and write.
I ‘pass the hat around’ and invite you to 'put a penny in the hat' :-).

I live with a disability and I'm passionate about enabling people to 'Live With Art And Soul.'
I'm the founder of Ancient and Sacred Trees, an MA Archaeology student, artist, teacher, healer and land guide. I love trees, history and the healing power of Mother Nature and sacred connection.