Well its Easter and Spring has sprung bringing it the theme of renewal and resurrection hence the title Jump Up & Live Again! With this in mind we have, as usual, lots of lovely Fair Trade items. A healthy planet relies on a healthy community and Fair Trade is a part of this.
Gardening of course is the big one for this time of year and we are doing our bit with Miniature gardening and of course fairy gardens. With plants suited to containers and lots of lovely miniature accessories including houses, fences, planters and lots more, you must come and see the online shop! We have some wooden fruit & veg crates to give away in return for a donation to Alsager Animals In Need and we will give you some liner to go inside. We recycle as much as possible and these crates are great, you can see a garden Amanda has planted in one when you visit. *
Happy people are creative people so apart from gardening we have lots of lovely Easter Spring ceramic, canvas & wooden items etc for you to decorate.
May the sun & moon continue to wheel across the sky, let the flowers bloom anew, the rivers and streams run clear to the sea, the trees reach to the sky, may all beings be one big community across the world. Now that Winter is past may we all jump up and live again. x

PS A lot has happened since this post was first written. Jack In The Green now plants trees with every purchase with Ancient and Sacred Trees. www.ancientandsacredtrees.org